Monday, February 23, 2009

Resuming Transmission for 09

Apologies for the incredible slump in posting on the FELT Enduro blog. But as the Summer season draws closer to a close (still a little way off) and Enduros start popping up all over the place, rest assure this thing will start gaining momentum again, and be a site to rival the biggest.

In saying this the first post by me for 09 has nothing to do with Enduros, or Mountain bikes for that matter. It does how ever have to do with something very exciting for FELT in 09.

A new bike has spawned from the minds of the FELT Engineers, you may of seen it debut in last years Tour de France, but now produced to the public for the first time.

Yes its a Road bike and they call it the: "AR"

Here's a humorous attempt at a video made by myselfish...

Felt AR2 basic vid from Scott Liston on Vimeo.

In all seriousness the bike is SICK! a weapon, I honestly cant find a reason for concidering to purchase another bike, if you take you racing seriously, why dissadvantage yourself.

Cheers ScottyL


Blogger Jack Lamshed said...


Paul and I both agree, that that video was not "Amazing".

10:06 pm  

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