Sunday, November 11, 2007

Gravity 12 hour @ Rosewhite

With Felt Racing seemingly in confusion and not sporting a full strength team, nothing could be further from the truth. Electing not to race the 12 hour as a 4 man team, Jack still took the trip up to Rosewhite to race with our friends in Pink, a sporting gesture on both parts (which reminds me to wish Skinny to get well soon after a nasty ankle breaking, with complications - take it easy pal).

To the race however, which turned out to be fast and furious. With Rich Grant doing a reportedly marvellous job on the mic, with help from Rohin occasionally. The first lap reportedly saw Jack throw a chain off whilst leading and it was the boys from Thylacine that briefly took over the race lead. Also in the mix were the 4 man kona team, and the race continued that way for the rest of the day. The 3 man containing Jack cleared out throughout the day, and started to make some minutes on the chasers, when a flat saw Thylacine tumble back into 3rd with the Kona 4 man chugging away to a 2nd place overall.

And thats the way it stayed. Jack was a part of the winning team, nice, and to put it quaintly, everyone had a good time! Far and away the comment I heard the most, was how good the course got after a brief shower late in the day. Apparently it got absolutely amazing, somehow they have managed to stick trees onto a speedway track, it was just off its head! So kudos to the BeechworthChainGang for another memorable race, by all accounts.


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